Love, feet & Leadership
Hi again dance lovers, a few quick things as the December dance gets closer… and messages from Narayan & Bernie!
Just a quickie reminder that the winter Lava dates are December 7-9 (simply weeks away). Cost is our affordable sliding scale that starts at $85. There is still time to sign up. You can use the online form at is external), find a flyer there to mail, or even just give Zareen a call at 208-756-3076
Bernie is all fired up
Big B is having some major creative outpourings… and I hear that there will be some new stuff at camp!
He is all all fired up about finding ways to help local dance circles juice up and grow. One great idea is to have a short meeting after each dance session for any leaders and musicians to discuss what had energy, what worked and why. Should be some powerful stuff! We are also planning on a Saturday afternoon training/jamming/juice up time. Music is magic!
Speaking of which… it’s sounding like circles are starting to birth or re-birth in both Idaho Falls and Pocatello. So let’s gather our supportive energies to help that grow.
And talk about juice… here’s something from Narayan.
Hayy! Dancing Brothers and Sisters Hayy!
I’m hoping to see your beautiful faces and waltzing beings very soon. ‘Tis the season to be jolly (we’re a step ahead of the rest of the gang) and our moving together will deepen into gratefulness the physical fullness of Thanksgiving. I don’t know how you perceive our Dancing but to me it’s the unbroken stream of real magic that has always been flowing from the One within and everywhere; that which is only hinted at in all the talking and writing and movies and blah, blah, blah. Follow the fingers pointing at the Sun and Moon of Love and throw your whole being into this River (and in Lava it’s hot!) and let’s do it. Better yet let IT do us!
Love & Thanks
Happy feet
Here’s a chiropractic tip for all those sore knees and hips that keep stabbing at our dance harmony!
The tip is good shoes! It’s all about the kinetic chain and how it works either magic or crookedness throughout our body. Good supportive athletic shoes might not look that great with a dancing outfit… but it will keep the aching to a minimum.
I’ve noticed this in both walking and exercising on my elliptical. If I wear the wrong shoes my knees turn into instruments of torture. Simply changing into better (or forking out bucks for a new pair and throwing the old “comfortable” ones away) will have my knees back to functional body parts in a matter of days.
So if you have been having problems with increasingly aching body parts in the dance… try some athletic shoes and see if that doesn’t make a difference. We wanna keep dancing!
Hope to see you all soon,
Connie Z and Wayne