Annual Lava Hot Springs Dance Camp
April 6-8, 2018
FLYER => 2018-mystic-dance-caravan
MEALS: Registration includes three meals prepared by our community, two light continental breakfasts, and an amazing Friday Evening potluck. We ask you to sign up for two karma yoga shifts at the registration desk upon arrival. These karma yoga positions include; meal preparation, and cleanup. Participating in karma yoga helps to keep the cost of this event as low as possible.
LODGING: You must make your own motel or camping reservations. You may check online for a list of hotel accommodations and campgrounds in Lava Hot Springs.
Arrival & Schedule
We dance in the Senior Citizen’s Center, which is the first building you come to after you drop off the highway into town. It is a large cinderblock building on your left.
We are allowed into the Center at 3 p.m. on Friday If you arrive early come on in and help us set up!
Dinner on Friday & Saturday is at 6 pm, and dancing starts at 7:30.
Saturday & Sunday starts with breakfast at 8 am, and dancing at 9:30. Lunch is at noon.
Musicians and Leaders
As you arrive at camp please let us know about your musicianship! We coordinate experienced leaders into our Saturday and Sunday morning sessions, and also have a dance/music training time on Saturday afternoon. We want to know how to help you in your local circle!
We will eat, dance and pray together through the weekend with plenty of time for soaking in the hot springs. Camp will be over on Sunday at noon. We’ll have a sack-or-stay lunch available.
It is very wonderful if you can plan some time to help us clean up. We have to leave the place cleaner than we found it and vacated by 2pm.
Register Below
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