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Braiding Sweetgrass with Remarkable Beings
January 10, 2023 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Meetings With Remarkable Beings
Stepping out of the commercialized mindset.
This is the first in a series of Meetings with Remarkable Beings sharing ideas and readings from the book Braiding Sweetgrass.
You can get Braiding Sweetgrass from Amazon. We recommend to get the Kindle version so you get instant access and save a tree. If you don’t wish to read the book, no worries. Join the discussion and learn how to complete switch of consciousness to native wisdom will transform human life.
As with all of our meetings with remarkable beings, this will be music and song and discussion conversation.
We will be doing this meeting slightly different than previously. If we get a good group of people, then we will make an attempt to get the author to join us for a session.
Invite Link
Zoom Meeting: Tuesday Eve: Jan 10, 2023. 7:00 pm Mountain Time
There is an intersection between Eastern enlightenment, teachings and Native American wisdom that can be accessed when we let the concepts that are confusing us in our minds relax. This allows our natural intuition, our natural normal self, to start interacting with the world. It transforms the way we interact with each other as well.
I’m going to be doing a Zoom online workshop where we talking about the book Braiding Sweetgrass. We will explore it from a point of view of Zen and Non-duality. At the bottom of this video and I have some links so that you can join us.
It’s going to be a series so we can get everyone in.
What will we do?
We’ll talk, and sing, and laugh and discover new things, hopefully breaking through the concepts and conditionings that are holding us back from our purpose. We’ll break that block in our minds that causes confusion.
Think about what it is like to be us, here today in the 21st Century. The confusion that’s in our minds. This is the thing that spiritual teachings should be grappling with today.
The Confusion
Do you have an idea what I’m talking about, when I say “the confusion.”
It’s all those questions like: what’s really going on? What’s bad and what’s good? Who am I and how should I live? How does this idea fit with that idea?
This confusion we face is the result of the stories that we’ve been told about who we are as humans. Our story has created a huge disconnect with the natural world. A disconnect and distrust of who we are.
Braiding Sweetgrass
We’ll explore this in the context of the book Braiding Sweetgrass.
This book is about accessing your natural self in connection with the world that surrounds us, with the natural world. We will interlace this with enlightenment teachings, and music and song.
These two ideas intersect easily because enlightenment teachings are basically saying: something’s gone wrong with your brain, with my brain, with our brains. Something has gone wrong with the way we perceive reality and enlightenment teachings and it’s because of the stories we’ve been told about who we are.
Native wisdom says, “Look. Touch the ground. This is how the people can live.”
Enlightenment says, “Let’s scour ourselves clean down to a point of zero so we can see clearly.”
These two easily intersect because we live on the land and it can teach us if we silence the dream of separation. Awakening traditions say the thing to do first is find that single “nothing” point inside. The point that was there before confusing conditionings took root. Find the point in a way that you can hold with a solid confidence. The build a new life from this point.
We can come to this from a different direction by looking at the wisdom teachings of Native Americans. Of the people here on the American continent, on turtle Island.
In the book Braiding Sweetgrass Robin Wall Kimmerer talks about changing our perception from that of being a consumer of commodities to a gift world. Changing to a world where the entire world is gifted to us and we are participants with all beings gifting back. We are part of it.
So join us.
Sign Up
Time & Date: Tuesday Eve: Jan 10, 2023. 7:00 pm Mountain Time
I’m experimenting with an online event platform. If you want to pay five bucks for this event and help me learn how to use the platform I’ll be grateful.
Event Platform AllEvents: https://allevents.in/online/braiding-sweetgrass-with-remarkable-beings/80002257313703?ref=popup-sharing-modal
Or simply join us on Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82414882781?pwd=eTJFSjN1eXFSMDJ1eWk1V2NPTlJDUT09
Zareen & Wayne