The Dances of Universal Peace were started by Sam Lewis who studied many spiritual traditions and creatively brought them together into the form of circle dancing. Since his passing much has changed in the world and there are many new things being brought to light… new ways of understanding reality, and new ways to speak about humans as spiritual beings. We are also blessed with a resurgence of living teachings from the native world.
This page is your introduction to some of the best voices working to bring us all into harmony. The Mystic Dance Caravan crew occasionally schedules Zoom meetings for discussion, and to meet many of the new voices working for harmony today. Please join our newsletter to hear of dates and times, or regularly visit this page.
We need to change the inner dynamics of humans in order to begin the process of repairing our world.
In the Spirit of Sam
Just about a hundred years ago Sam Lewis was a young man living in California. It was the nineteen twenties and a time when many remarkable beings from the deep eastern traditions were being sent to the United States to teach. He managed to meet Hazrat Innayat Khan, a beautiful Sufi teacher, and numerous authentic teachers of Buddhism.
There were a lot of charlatans too, at the time, but Sam had a knack of being drawn to the true mystics. He also had a knack of falling in tune with these mystics, deeply in love, and being transformed. The transformation was not just from their teaching but from being in their living presence.
Sam Lewis brought this inspiration into fruition by creating the Dances of Universal Peace.
One of the remarkable things about meeting with a live teacher is the ability to ask questions. It’s not so much the actual question as the experience of putting your question together and asking it live that can open us from our preconceived beliefs. That is always a remarkable moment.
Times have changed and the generation that inspired Sam Lewis has passed beyond, but we still have many remarkable beings available to us in our world today. They don’t look the same. They are often not dressed in robes or reading from ancient texts. They are accessible because they understand our lives today, and who we are. I seem to have a knack of running across them as well. So I thought I’d put together resources to introduce us to various remarkable beings, who are alive and working today, from numerous different traditions.
We are holding our meetings in the spirit of SAM.
Meet Some Remarkable Beings
Susanne Marie
Susanne Marie is a realized teacher with a remarkable ability to bring us to the real world. She says, “The best word that describes this truth for me is “remembering,” because this is what I have always been. Only now, it is becoming ever more conscious of itself in a human life.”
Susanne holds regular online meetings, and I would like to point dancers directly to her offerings.
Navajo Traditional Teachings
From Shane at Navajo Traditional Teachings
My Father has said it many times about the Five-fingered being or the Humankind. They are all Diné. But what does that mean?
The word Diné when broken down is “no surface to a surface” “From up to down”. In the greatest sense of the word that is all humans.
They come from the Holy People. The Diné, The five-fingered being, the humankind are their offspring.
Sometimes when people hear these teachings they want to adopt them. Which I think is great. That is how we learn… grabbing the good from all different sources.
But, I think the message my Father wanted to convey in this video was… you don’t have to come out to Navajo land and learn how to be Diné. In fact It really can’t be done that way.
This is a sample of weekly offerings from Shane and his Father. Subscribe to them on Youtube and you’ll always learn.
Wisdom Weavers of the World
Wisdom Weavers of the World is a collaborative project that brings together Elders and Earth activists to share Indigenous wisdom and sacred teachings. We host events to gather with one another and produce recordings to share messages that help shift consciousness and instructions for how to live in balance and harmony with the natural world.
Previous Meeting With Jeff Carreira

Effort, Love and Ease with Jeff Carreira
“To put it simply, I support people to live a spiritually inspired life, free from the constraints of fear, worry and self-doubt, and aligned with their own deepest sense of meaning and purpose.”
Topics: Why spiritual dialogue is important and how we can use it to come closer together and explore our inner world in a new way. The seeming paradox of effort vs. no effort on the spiritual path, and how that relates to the path of love.
Meet Jeff through his website:
Artists of Possibility Magazine:
Join his Mystery School:
Previous Meeting on Non Duality and Harmony with Eric Putkonen

Eric Putkonen
I’ve posted Eric’s attunements to the pages listed here so you can get a sense of his lighthearted nature.
Previous Meeting With Vishrant
I had the amazing luck of connecting with a fellow sannyasin and enlightenment teacher in Australia. And he agreed to meet with us to kick off the Remarkable Beings sessions! Our first meeting was with Vishrant from the Vishrant Buddhist Society. He lives and teaches in Perth Australia, and agreed to meet with us for short Zikr Attunements and then for a session of answering questions. We discussed things from why we dance, how to have effective practice, and the value of maturity.

Learn more about Vishrant here:
Youtube Channel:
Reading List
Also see our reading list for some of the best voices on spirituality today.