What’s the world coming to?

So why is it that we are willing to work on learning to think positively about our own lives (especially when it comes to money as taught by money gurus) but we feel free to be entirely negative about our collective reality and collective future?

When you think about it, it’s a lot more important to think and speak positively about our collective future because other people can hear us and may believe us!

Inside your own mind things work very quckly. You can think a thought and then actually reconsider and take it back in the matter of seconds. Radical transformations are possible when people have awakening moments. At those times whole paradigms can change in an instant.

But it’s not so quick for the negative thoughts we share. Once spoken they can have immediate and profound affects on those around us. These negative thoughts that we continually share are a big part of the problem when it comes to collective change. Negativity is like a magnet that sucks into the brain of those around you.

It’s easy to prove. Stand there talking to someone and say, “What’s the world coming to?”

I can guarantee they will all agree and nod in a knowing way. It’s like we are all in on this huge secret about how awful everything is. Is this really the way we can move forward in building a cool new world?

I don’t think so!

Building a cool new world is a give and take, test and retest, try and measure sort of a thing. We are going to go in a million wrong directions in order to slowly steer ourselves towards a better way of living. So please, dear readers. Lighten up on the future and give it a chance to bloom.