Keep yourself healthy in times of stress

It’s  very important to keep yourself healthy in times of stress! We recommend a full weekend of Dances of Universal Peace. This magic elixir is the result of the most ancient of all medicines: human touch and music.

The terrible thing about stress (besides how yucky it feels) is that it is a contributing cause to numerous diseases — including cancer. Sustained stress weakens us and makes us ineffective in combating what may be causing the stress.

The wonderful thing about stress is how easily it dissolves in the right atmosphere. The Dances of Universal Peace create the perfect atmosphere.

If you have never danced before the thing that will surprise you the most is how you don’t need to know a single person for the magic to work. You’d think that you would really need to know people in order to have a close, loving encounter. But the addition of music and movement gently bring us all into a field of togetherness that does not require knowing names, history or philosophies. Those of us who have danced for years can tell you that it’s the easiest and most effective therapy that a person can possibly experience.

So — let’s get together in April to reduce our stress and spread the love.

We are having a weekend retreat in Lava Hot Springs (southern Idaho) on April 21st to 23rd. Yes! It’s Earth Day! We will get together for a pot luck dinner on Friday evening and then start dancing at 7:30. Saturday activities will be a dance in the morning, and then Earth Day activities through the afternoon (maybe you will only want to soak in the natural spring waters of Lava Hot Springs!) On Saturday evening we’ll have the signature dance of the weekend that we call the “Interfaith Zikr.” It’s our opportunity to sink into the movement and music with few interruptions. And finally, on Sunday morning we’ll dance again in celebration of our togetherness, and heading back to our communities and jobs, refreshed and read to do our life work with renewed passion and effectiveness.

Here’s where to sign up for the weekend —